What a twelve months it’s been for Penparcau Community Forum!

The state of euphoria we experienced after receiving major Welsh Government funding quickly turned into a year of highs and lows through building our new community Hub.  But – we got there!!!

As a small community-based charity, we’re very proud to have delivered such a wonderful facility for the people of Penparcau.  What an achievement.

We offer many thanks to our funders, architects (Catalina Architecture), builders (HD Construction), the trustees, staff, volunteers and elected representatives who helped turn our vision into reality……diolch yn fawr iawn!

Got to keep your hand in!

Rhydian the apprentice.

The journey all started with funding from the Peoples Health Trust that enabled us to have ‘local conversations’ with several groups within Penparcau.

Those ‘local conversations’ highlighted the need for new, accessible and modern facilities for all.

We’ve come a long way since then and by building social capital with our trustees, volunteers and residents we are creating a truly resilient community.  We always believed that it was but by delivering the Hub they now have a focal point from which great opportunities can arise.


Food Hygiene Courses

We’ve already seen a huge increase in people seeking volunteering opportunities with the Forum and especially within the community cafe.  We’ve also seen a marked increase in partnership working with individuals and institutions charged with working in Penparcau, all of which bodes well for the future of the Forum in particular and Penparcau in general.

Dot Griffiths (Volunteer) switching on the Christmas lights.

Nadolig Llawen pawb!

Finally, a big thank you to Alun Davies AM, Welsh Government Cabinet Secretary for Local Government & Public Services for doing the honours on the day.

Bryn Jones

Penparcau Forum Co-ordinator