We hope that you are all keeping well and safe.  The team here at Penparcau Community Hub have been very busy supporting vulnerable and isolated members of the Community and  have now established Penparcau Action Team (PAT) so that we can work remotely and still keep services going as best we can. We thought we would give you an outline of what PAT will be doing.

  1. PAT is a coordinated Hub volunteer community group working in support of and in partnership with the Ystwyth Medical Group, Padarn Surgery and St Ann’s Church providing logistical, organised and controlled priority community support during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
  2. Under the direction of Ystwyth Medical Group practice manager, we are now delivering a daily support service that targets the most medically vulnerable within the Penparcau community.  We also support St Ann’s church providing them with a much needed delivery service to distribute some food supplies.
  3. A team is despatched daily from the Penparcau Community Hub in our minibus and we have established a morning, lunchtime and teatime delivery service. The main priority must be that of achieving a reliable support system for the community to help counter the Coronavirus pandemic.
  4. Routine is essential, and for the success and sustainable control of PAT we must understand that we are not an emergency service, nor a home help or care group but will provide the vulnerable in the community with support for prescription collections and the occasional drop-and-go service.

During difficult and uncertain times, we can rely on the good within the community to respond and stand tall and support those most in need. PAT aims to provide that hand of support and we are now operating a 7-days a week service with 4 volunteers operating the morning shift and 4 volunteers operating the afternoon shift. The office is also open from 09:00 – 15:00 daily to receive phone calls only.  This should provide the community with a vital point of contact where they can receive information, support and direction from our informed Hub staff and volunteers.  Please ring 01970 611099 during those times.

In the meantime stay safe – keep washing those hands!

Karen Rees Roberts (Forum Manager)